Junior Caucus' events during homecoming
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Image for Josephine Yoo, who is Co-President
Josephine Yoo
Hey guys! I’m Josephine, and I’m super excited to be Senior Caucus Co-President alongside Grace this year. I love to try new coffees, read, and go on runs in my free time. I look forward to working with everyone to make our last year as fun and memorable as possible!
Image for Grace Rhee, who is Co-President
Grace Rhee
Hi, I’m Grace and I am very excited to be your Senior Caucus President during our last year at Stuy! I am especially excited for all of our senior year traditions and events such as Senior Sunset, the Senior Crush wall, Prom, and Graduation. I can’t wait to make lasting memories with everyone!
Image for John Jay Wang, who is Chief of Staff
John Jay Wang
Chief of Staff
Hi! My name is John Jay Wang, and I am serving as your Chief of Staff. In school, you can find me on the tennis courts, music room, and SU room, but out of school, you can find me listening to music, going on runs, and playing my instruments. Super excited for an amazing senior year!
Image for Ethan Sie, who is Chief of Staff
Ethan Sie
Chief of Staff
Hi everyone! I’m Ethan, and I’m back again alongside John Jay. In my free time, I’ll be binging a show or playing saxophone. I’m super excited for all the senior traditions we have planned, and together, we’re going to make the most of this year!
department backgrounds
The Events Department is responsible for planning and arranging events inside and outside of Stuy to promote school community and engagement. Possible events we look forward to hosting this year include Senior Field Day, slime events, and a movie night. We will also be organizing and lowering costs for Senior Prom.
Image for Emily Li, who is Events Director
Emily Li
Events Director
Hi, my name is Emily. I’m very excited to be one of your events co-director once again! I love planning events, cafe-hopping, eating out and discovering new artists.
Image for Skye McArthur, who is Events Director
Skye McArthur
Events Director
Hi, I am Skye, and I'm so excited to be Co-Director of Events with Emily. I was a member of the committee last year, and I'm excited to take on more responsibility this year and help plan some more amazing events, including our senior prom.
The Graphics Department’s primary goal is to create engaging and accessible social media posts that promote the Caucus’s events, fundraisers, and resources to the student body. Its scope, however, extends beyond this, and any and all project ideas are welcomed.
Image for Chloe Wong, who is Graphics Director
Chloe Wong
Graphics Director
Hello! My name is Chloe, and I'm so excited to be your caucus graphics director for one more year. I hope that my work proves itself worthy of your precious Instagram likes.
The Internals Department manages and creates resources for the student body through extensive research and outreach, especially regarding college & career prep. Our usual projects include the LAST newsletters, internships & scholarships modules, course selection guides, and more.
Image for Josephine Gunawan, who is Internals Director
Josephine Gunawan
Internals Director
Hi, I'm Josephine, and I am so excited to be one of your Internals Directors this year! I love literature and history, but when I have free time, my favorite thing to do is bake pecan pie tarts. I am also the SU Director of External Affairs!
The Externals Department is in charge of building connections with external partners. This includes planning college tours, interviewing college students and professionals for advice, organizing networking events, and reaching out to local businesses for Senior exclusive partnerships.
Image for Chenming Fang, who is Externals Director
Chenming Fang
Externals Director
Hi, I'm Chenming. I love running, gaming, and listening to English and Chinese music. I am excited to lead the Internals Department again this year! We know college application is stressful, and our team is here to make this process easier for everyone.
The I/T department is tasked with maintaining and building the digital infrastructure for Caucus, from ticketing for SProm to the Senior Caucus website :). We can't wait to work with other deptartments to help the student body!
Image for Elias Xu, who is I/T Director
Elias Xu
I/T Director
Hello, my name is Elias! I'm a CS, boardgaming, beekeeping type of person :), and I can't wait to help run Caucus this year with my codirector Otzar.
Image for Otzar Jaffe, who is I/T Director
Otzar Jaffe
I/T Director
Hi, I’m Otzar. I’m excited to be your I/T director this year! Right now, I’m interning at an AI security company where I help them train models. I also love baking banana bread, playing basketball, and reading books.
Social Media
Senior Caucus' Social Media department is responsible for running the Instagram, TikTok, and any other forms of promotion/representation. Look forward to some of our projects this year, such as our Senior Superlatives Spotlight and the StuyGrad page!
Image for Maegan Diep, who is Social Media Director
Maegan Diep
Social Media Director
Hi, my name is Maegan but I also go by Mae! I have been part of this department since freshman year (and a director since sophomore year). Activities I love doing in my free time include spending time with loved ones, doing art, visiting museums, and baking!
The Media Department is responsible for documenting our senior year and events, creating time capsules in videos and photos.
Image for Vita Kirschtein, who is Media Director
Vita Kirschtein
Media Director
Hi, I'm Vita, and I'm excited to be part of the cabinet this year, and to be documenting our experiences!
Image for Lillian Kim, who is Media Director
Lillian Kim
Media Director
The Finance Department is tasked with planning fundraisers, funding for Senior Prom and other grade-wide events, and all other senior caucus spending. Our goal is to ensure the senior caucus has the resources to keep hosting fun and engaging events for the entire Class of 2025.
Image for Suhana Kumar, who is Finance Director
Suhana Kumar
Finance Director
Hi! I'm Suhana and I love Oreos, sewing and the summer season. I enjoy playing chess and being organized :) I'm super excited for the upcoming year!
Image for Rayen Zhou, who is Finance Director
Rayen Zhou
Finance Director
Rayen is eager to tackle the year ahead as Chief Financial Officer for the Senior Caucus. Having been in the Student Union for three years, he is excited to be apart of the Senior Caucus and hopes to make it as rewarding and impactful as possible.
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Built by the Senior Caucus I/T Department
The Senior Caucus is led by Josephine Yoo and Grace Rhee.
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